At UVA Health System, we are committed to reporting our quality and safety data with transparency and consistency, as it is simply the right thing to do for our patients. The new Clinical Activity Report for cardiothoracic and vascular surgery at UVA Heart and Vascular Center describes the procedures we perform, provides information on our volumes and compares our outcomes to national norms. We trust that it will allow you to make an informed recommendation to your patients.
Program Highlights
Over the last three years, our team has treated a steadily increasing number of patients. In 2014, we performed more than 1,000 cardiac operations. There are many reasons for this growth:
- UVA offers the full spectrum of care, including minimally invasive and catheter-based techniques, enabling us to select the most appropriate treatment plan for each patient.
- UVA participates in a large number of clinical trials in all disciplines, giving patients the opportunity to receive treatments unavailable at many medical centers.
- UVA is a national leader in percutaneous, minimally invasive, re-operative and complex cardiac surgery based on outcomes data provided to the Society of Thoracic Surgeons and other clinical databases.
- UVA is recognized for our clinical expertise in such areas as percutaneous heart valve repair and replacement and left ventricular assist device (LVAD) therapies, with many of our providers invited to speak nationally and internationally on these topics and often asked to lead government and industry-funded trials.
- UVA has state-of-the-art facilities, including four hybrid operating rooms, facilitating less-invasive procedures as well as hybrid procedures that combine complex open surgery with endovascular procedures.
At the same time that our volumes have grown, our outcomes remain excellent. We have achieved these outcomes even though our cardiac surgery team regularly treats patients who might otherwise be considered inoperable or too high-risk for surgery.
We Welcome the Opportunity to Collaborate
Last year, we distinguished ourselves from more than 1,000 heart surgery programs that report to the Society of Thoracic Surgeons by being one of only 27 hospitals to achieve the highest, three-star rating for both coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and aortic valve replacement (AVR).
We attribute successes like this to our culture of collaboration, which includes our referring physicians. Your insights are essential to our efforts to develop the most appropriate treatment plan for your patients and aid in their successful return to their families and communities.
View a PDF of the Clinical Activity Report, or if you would like a printed copy, please contact Amy Cash by email or at 434.465.7996.
Our physicians are happy to arrange in-person meetings to discuss our outcomes and the treatments we provide. To schedule a visit with a UVA provider, please contact Amy Cash at the number above.